iConference paper: Emerging Insights on Building Infrastructure for Data-Driven Transparency and Accountability of Organizations

Excited to say that my paper “Emerging Insights on Building Infrastructure for Data-Driven Transparency and Accountability of Organizations” was accepted to the iConference.  Melissa Mazmanian is a co-author.

Abstract:  Increasingly, diverse domains including education, law enforcement, healthcare, and business are attempting to harness the power of IT tools and increased computing and storage capacity for data to increase visibility of work practices for management and quality improvement. Simultaneously, organizations in multiple domains face increasing demands for externally facing transparency. A vast array of large-scale information systems is currently being leveraged and developed to undergird data creation, analysis, reporting, dissemination, and sanction. In this early work, we present preliminary data and insights from a multi-sited ethnography of the development of infrastructure for data-driven organizational transparency and accountability in the healthcare domain. The aim is to unearth and describe key aspects of information infrastructures and considerations for organizational stakeholders involved in developing data tools and systems for purposes of transparency, quality improvement, and accountability. Some initial considerations include dual functions of the data, communication hierarchy, emergent seams, and bridging installed bases and communities of practice.

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